American Heart Association |
This site includes news, an interactive risk assessment, an A to Z reference guide, nutrition and exercise information, conditions and treatments. |
Cardiovascular Information |
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's site includes information on high blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity, and heart attack, as well as news alerts and a list of publications. All content is organized for either health care professionals or patients. |
American Society of Hypertension |
This is the site of the largest U.S. organization dedicated to hypertension and related cardiovascular disease. |
DASH - Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension |
DASH was a "research study to test the effect of dietary patterns on blood pressure". This site includes the study's results, a recommended diet, and DASH publications, as well as links to related sites. |
The Journal for Gender-Specific Medicine |
Complete access and an opportunity to subscribe to the official journal of the Partnership for Women's Health are available at this site. |
Physicians for A National Health Program |
This site features articles and essays on the United States' health care financing, questions and answers about Medicare, support for a national health insurance program, and a cartoon gallery. |
Medical Burnout |
This physician-oriented site has been recommended by the AMA and many others and includes "bas news" briefs and essays on HMOS, PPOs, and "disincentives" to good care. |
ASPEN World Wide |
The American Society for Parentaeral& Enteral Nutrition's site provides membership opportunities, publications, research programs, and related nutrition links. |
Nutrition for your Condition |
Learn more about disease-specific nutrition that limits the risk or decreases the impact of the following disorders; arthritis, cancer, allergies, osteoporosis, lactose intolerance, diabetes, and heart disease. |
JAMA-Women's Health Information Center |
This site includes a newsline, a library of the latest literature, and STD information center, a contraception information center, and CME opportunities. |
The National Women's Health Information Center |
Designed as "a one-stop gateway for women seeking health information," this DHHS site contains comprehensive information for both patients and physicians. Includes dictionaries, journals, frequently asked questions, news, events, and a section specifically for heath care professionals. |
The North American Menopause Society |
This site provides information about news, publications, frequently asked questions, meetings, education, and reliable links. |
The New Your Times of the Web: Women's Health |
Includes various articles, special essays, data, and more than 100 links. Registration required. |
Mayo Clinic Health |
This site is designed for easy access to health information. |
Drkoop.com |
One of the leaders in providing online patients with comprehensive health information. Features sections on family health, health resources, fitness and nutrition, and interactive communities, as well as extensive information on specific conditions and concerns. |
WebMD |
Another thorough, patient-friendly health site that differentiates itself by including a drug reference and enabling the patient to customize the content. |
Your Health |
Hosted by Catholic Healthcare West, this site includes a ten-minutes health assessment survey. |
Healthology.com |
This site differentiates itself by including live video and audio webcasts. RealPlayer required. |
HealthScreen America's Guide to Health |
Besides offering information on women and men's health, heart disease, and cancer-prevention, this site features audio clips on women's health, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and breast health. RealPlayer required. |
Diabetes.org |
This site provides news and diabetes management information. |
Food Finder |
A fun, interactive site that calculates the nutritional information for more than 1,000 fast-food items. Do your patients know how many grams of fat are in a Whopper? |
Fitness Center |
The American Heart Association hosts this site that includes an exercise diary, a customized fitness page, and fitness news.
Kicking the Habit |
smokeclinic.com - Structured, clinical approach;interactive tools ($49.90)
quitnet.com - Active chat communicty; friendly, informal style (Free-$99/year)
lungusa.org - Seven lesson modules; high message-board traffic (Free)
trytostop.org - General advice, less interactive than others